Let’s be honest, the treadmill isn’t always the most fun place to work out, but you often end up there. The best way to motivate yourself to enjoy it: have a plan.

This treadmill workout is not your run of the mill workout – it’s creative, fat burning and head turning! And, by “head turning,” I mean that this workout is a little unorthodox. We won’t just be running on the treadmill. We’ll mix in a few other exercises to get the heart racing.

Unorthodox Treadmill Workout
0-5:00 minutes light walk at about 3.5 speed.
Then begin this progression:
1 minute jog at 4.0 to 6.0 speed.
1.5 minute of lunges. Reduce speed and make sure to take long strides. Also make sure to hold the handles for balance. Don’t try to do it without.
3 minute jog at 4.0 to 6.0 speed.
1.5 minute walk at slow speed. Here you will rest for the next exercise.
45 seconds to 1 minute: treadmill mountain climbers. Alright kids, THIS is the tough one! Pause the treadmill, step off, and place your hands on the ground and your feet on the treadmill. Use your legs to push the track on the treadmill. This is gonna burn!
3 minute jog at 4.0-6.0 speed.
2 minute walk at 3.5 speed and 4.0 incline.
2 minute walk as a rest.
Repeat this progression 2-3 times.